India Rupees

I purchased some India rupees recently for cheap and sadly they didn't come with any I.D.
I know the British rupee, but does anyone here know these well enough for I.D.? It would be a big help.
I am sure the rotation may be wrong on a few, sorry about that.
The denomination of coins can be either 1 rupee or half a rupee, depending on the weight.
First row
2nd coin: 1 rupee, Baroda, AH 1280.
3rd coin: 1 rupee, Mughal Empire, Aurangzeb Alamgir, AH 1090.
Second row
1st coin: 1 rupee, Mughal Empire, Aurangzeb Alamgir, AH 1102.
3rd coin: 1/2 rupee, Indore.
Didn't know about that website, thank you so much & for taking the time to I.D, them.
@IVB, #3 on the second row is a rupee, it weighs 11.4g