ANSWERED - BIG eBay Seller’s - Fees and PayPal Fees for Coins?

At times when I negotiate with a dealer for a coin, I take a peek to see if by chance they also list that same coin on eBay, I then estimate their "net" from eBay, and compare that to their "regular" price on their website, as a starting point for negotiations.
I understand that for small fries, the selliing fee is 10%, and the PP fee is 2.9% plus 30 cents. i also understand for many of the sellers with a "store", the sellers fee is about 6%. I had heard that for really large eBay sellers, the sellers fee is 5.4% or so, and the PP fee is about 2.6% or so? Is this accurate, or can the two fees for very large coin sellers be less, and if so, at what rate are the fees?
Separately, I've never figured out how other posters generate an "Answered" tag on their post, as I'd like to do that once I have the proper answer.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
While I am not a big seller, I do $25,000 to $50,000 per month, the following link to is an accurate indicator of eBay and PayPal fees for my eBay Store and Top Rated Seller status. Below that is a link to my store.
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@gowithmygut Thanks for trying, but even when I checked the boxes for eBay store and top Seller, it shows a PayPal fee of 2.9%, and an Ebay seller fee of about 8.24%. For the category, i entered "Other" as it did not show "Coins". I know some eBay sellers get charged less.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I assume that seller fees with PayPal are going to be ~10%.
@skier07 thanks, but I know as stated that many large sellers pay an eBay sellers fee of only about 6%. I've been told by one very large coin seller a figure of roughly 5.4% and PP 2.6%, but I forget the exact numbers he shared, hence my post.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
i would assume sellers like apmex have less then 5 percent seller fees
Steve, if you enter that you have an eBay store first you will see the option of "Coins, paper money & stamps" the eBay portion is about 5.5% and PayPal 2,9%.
Successful transactions with RYK, Soldi, Cent225, RG, ilmcoins, Jim Tyler, commoncents05, coinduece, Hash Tag, jclovescoins, carsgoby, Smittys, Pittstate03, astrorat, pragmaticgoat, al032184, Rob41281, commoncents05, TexasAKHouston, nankraut, Lakesammman, Wahoo554, Vetter, RedSeals, coinlieutenant and others.
"Oh, I see" said the blind man! Yes, now it shows the figures you indicate! Thanks so very much.
So now how do I generate an "Answered" sticker to this question to save others the time of looking at this post?
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I just found out that “Anchor Stores” have their eBay seller fees capped at a flat $250. That’s a good deal!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
For me it’s pretty well much same minimum markup factor across the board - ebay, web store, shows. Each venue has its own unique contributions to the markup equation. For eBay - Anything I would discount / negotiate 5 or 10 pct discount off MV bc have decent room in it’s bin / mo. Everything else priced as marked. Shows may have a little more leeway depending on market conditions.
One tire kicker after multiple annoying Cheap O offer emails told him my standard “unless bin / mo offer already at our best price,” And this a $35 item lol.
Not by a long shot:
Your forgetting about shipping, OPEX (business related fixed costs to markup equation) plus sellers commission. Your number for the eBay fees seems too low does not include fixed eBay store charge. Plus paypal 2.9 pct x sale plus 30c per item.
I would suggest you get a basic store sell some stuff and then you will know operating there (or in the biz period) not chump change.
eBay expense (fees, PayPal, Shipping) plus OPEX plus minimum seller commission = minimum markup factor!
Many items I markup minimum commission (move quick) - so no room negotiation.
Sometimes if bothered by a low ball offer will c if he has something sell me can flip but almost always he has nothing (selling) to offer or he’s priced higher than me lol. One guy his auctions did not start at anything that wb a deal. All he knew how to do was fumble the ball....
For my purposes, I’m only interested in the extra direct costs of selling a coin on eBay, versus selling that same coin directly. There’s no need to throw fixed costs in. Those are fixed costs, and are not increased by selling a particular coin on eBay versus a direct sale. No need to get into the amount of profit. For example if a coin dealer sells a coin on eBay and nets $920 after selling fees and PayPal fees, I believe they can choose to sell that same coin from their own website for $920 with a cash payment. I think we can agree the cost to ship the coin is virtually the same whether sold via eBay or via their own website. Naturally, any dealer can do whatever they choose to do!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I want to see Cougar's ebay store.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
My prices are consistent on eBay and my website.
My website host charges me as they do not work for free.
I do have an eBay store and get the lower rate.
I would think - What about their website has its own unique selling costs? Website expense and setup is not free. If assistant for item input another cost.
Looks like another research project for me / their website vs their eBay store.
Have you had success at that?
You and I are talking about two different things. I fully agree dealers are entitled to make a profit. My point, regardless of their fixed costs, if their net amount received after expenses of selling a coin on eBay is “x”, I’ve found that many dealers are satisfied selling that same coin directly if they can net that same “x”, and usually even less with polite negotiations.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Did you use the "Ask a Question" option when you started the thread?
I did not. I guess that’s the key. Too late now?
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Yes, I'm 99.99% sure you can't change the category of the thread after it's been created.
You could start a new thread with the same title and we could all post the same posts again
Successful BST transactions with: Cameonut, Rob41281
I can see it on a coin they have a lot of room in like a $300 toner (common date Dollar) which normally is a $50 coin they picked up say for $150 or less which may have been in inventory for sometime. But to cut a 30 pct margin to 15 pct for some haggler off bourse not necessarily me unless it’s been around awhile or I have something really nice deal below bid from the wholesalers table near me. If they are already at bare bones markup (slabbed stuff for instance) at $5 - $10 over cost like I am on certain material (cash flow) at a show your blowing in the wind. If I can’t get even that (the cost of a drink or drive thru burger) it’s time load it up, go home. Try again some other time.
quite sure the biggest sellers get a better fee discount that that offered to the rest who have an ebay store. Maybe one here will chime in.
@Cougar1978 - We're still not talking the same thing, but thanks.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
So is the answer that combined seller fees and PayPal fees for a typical store is 8.4% and with respect to an anchor store it’s 2.9% PP fees plus a $250 max seller fee?
As noted above, "Anchor Stores" have their sellers fee capped at $250 max per item.
I believe for many eBay Store owners the typical combined fees are closer to 8.9% (6% + 2.9%). Some LARGER stores are around 8.4% or so (5.5% + 2.9%), and "Anchor Stores" cap out at a max of $250 per item in sellers fee, plus their PayPal fee. However, I'm not an eBay store owner, so my figures here is based solely on what i've been told/shown.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
mega sellers such as APMEX and other bullion dealers make most of their sales on items that don't hit a $250 FVF. I'm quite sure they pay a lower percentage than does your normal ebay store on these items. It's the only way one could explain why they normally offer the lowest premiums on smaller coin/bullion items sold on ebay, especially when their off ebay websites offer little to no price savings compared to their ebay prices.
The large bullion dealers have special fees on the bullion items they sell. As I understand it, they need to get to a certain threshold in sales first to originally get access to those fees, but once they hit it, it's on the order of 1% FVF (plus whatever PP charges).