PL Deduction

This is probably a stupid question, but some of the sets I'm looking at have coins that have a PL deduction. PL stands for proof-like, right? Why would that warrant a deduction? I would think it would be a bonus. Or does it mean you get a deduction if it's not PL? What am I misunderstanding? Thanks.
US and British coin collector, and creator of The Ultimate Chuck E. Cheese's and Showbiz Pizza Place Token & Ticket Guide
There shouldn't be a deduction for U.S. series. Some Canadian series have PL coins that mean something totally different and may or may not be more common that normal business strikes. I don't know enough about non-U.S. coins to comment.
Thanks cameonut. For example, take a look at the half dollar type set:
The Franklin half has a PL deduction of -3
It occurs with the Mercury dime in the type sets as well.
US and British coin collector, and creator of The Ultimate Chuck E. Cheese's and Showbiz Pizza Place Token & Ticket Guide
This is probably just a typo in the database. Best bet is to send a screen shot or request to and they can review this and fix it. Every so often the set compositions are revised.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I too have a PL. It’s population of ONE with zero others in any grade for that year and denomination. I requested a bonus and was denied.