[CLOSED] "Win LordM's Loot" Giveaway #7 (aka CoinTalk Giveaway #43)

Update: this contest has now CLOSED. @MASSU2 was the winner.
Winner will receive a $25 credit from my swapstock inventory. (*That's a slow-loading link, so give it a few seconds.) Free shipping is included- there are no strings attached and no purchase necessary. Coins are, however, subject to prior sale before the drawing ends, so keep an eye on the list, which will evolve as I add new stuff and take away sold stuff.
To enter:
See the giveaway thread on CoinTalk for full details.
You do NOT need to be a CoinTalk member or have the ability to post over there in order to be eligible.
If you ARE a CoinTalk member, you may post a second entry over there to double your chances. (It is helpful if you tell me who you are, when your CT username is different from your CU username- just so I'll know.)
To enter over here, include the words "entry post" in your initial post to this thread - and only your first post. You may reply as many times as you like, but only one eligible entry post per member (see exception above). I will tally all the entries from here over on the CoinTalk thread.
Post something else other than just the words "entry post". Whatever you like- preferably coin-related in some way. (Pet pix are always fun, too.)
Winners will be selected via random drawing, which will be announced on the CoinTalk thread later (and winners from CU will be notified via private message here).
Entry post. I'm a 9 year old YN. Here is a page from my 7070

Awesome! I hope you win so I can help you fill one of those slots!
Lookin' good so far!
@Azjedi - your entry post is Post #20 on the CoinTalk thread, so if the random number generator picks #20, you've won.
PS- I love seeing a YN doing the 7070, so I gave you an extra entry in Post #21 as well.
20 or 21 are your lucky numbers, come early October!
Entry post. Thanks!

@MASSU2 - your entry has been recorded and is Post #47 on the CoinTalk thread, so 47 will be your lucky number when the drawing comes around.
entry post!
Many thanks for your contests.
BHNC #203
Entry Post. Still trying and learning with taking pictures. Still using my phone to take them

87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting!
@Treashunt- your entry has been recorded and is Post #62 on the CoinTalk thread, so 62 will be your lucky number when the drawing comes around.
@Kliao - your entry has been recorded and is Post #63 on the CoinTalk thread, so 63 will be your lucky number when the drawing comes around.
Entry Post
I've never been to CollectiveCoin before. I'm enjoying checking out your stuff.
Thanks for the giveaway.
@ShaunBC5 - your entry has been recorded and is Post #73 on the CoinTalk thread, so 73 will be your lucky number when the drawing comes around.
entry post
Always appreciate the generosity of this site. Many will go out of there way to help educate and the giveaways are always great.
Thanks again.
@Mjwags - your entry has been recorded and is Post #104 on the CoinTalk thread, so 104 will be your lucky number when the drawing comes around.
Entry post.

USAF Retired — 34 years of active military service! 🇺🇸
@EXOJUNKIE - your entry has been recorded and is Post #109 on the CoinTalk thread, so 109 will be your lucky number when the drawing comes around.
Entry post
Here is my Canadian currency stash.
@kkm - your entry has been recorded and is Post #116 on the CoinTalk thread, so 1116 will be your lucky number when the drawing comes around.
The drawing will be coming soon.
Psst! Hey, @MASSU2 -
Ta-dahhh! Look what just happened! You won!
@MASSU2 - you have a $25 credit on my For Sale page, plus free shipping. Just PM me to let me know what appeals to you.
The link, again, is:
Lately that page has been loading very, very slowly. Sorry about that. Give it a while, and it should come up (eventually).
And if your selection(s) don't quite equal $25, I'll fill the gap. Let's say you chose a $22 coin, for example. I'd either enclose an additional $3-ish gift coin or send you a $3 PayPal gift to balance the scales and round things up to $25.
Sweet, thanks!! I'll shoot you a PM shortly. Thanks for the opportunity!
Congrats @MASSU2 ! Thanks for the opportunity @lordmarcovan !
For the record, @MASSU2 chose this 1848 large cent as his prize. I had it priced at $38, so he used his $25 credit + free shipping, sent me the remaining balance of $13 for the "upgrade", and thus got this baby for thirteen bucks.
That's how it works. No purchase is necessary and there are no strings attached, as long as you choose $25 or less worth of stuff.
But if you want to upgrade to something a little nicer, as @MASSU2 did here, and pay me the difference after using up your $25 credit, you may.
Not a bad coin for 13 bucks, eh?
@MASSU2 - you should have it in your mailbox very soon, if not already.