Value of 1887 double florin proof

Saw this at a local shop and am curious about its value. 1887 double florin proof
Frank D
Saw this at a local shop and am curious about its value. 1887 double florin proof
Frank D
The grade will be a significant factor. Has the coin been graded by a TPG company? There are some amazing PL examples across all the denominations for GB coinage for 1887 and into 1889.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Extremely difficult to give you a useful answer without knowing the condition of the proof.
An example sold on Heritage in Jan 2020 in PR63 for ~$1000. A PR65 could potentially be worth twice that. A raw example would require a very astute eye and a very careful review before purchasing.
So, in brief, probably somewhere between $200 and $2000 - without knowing any further information.
My sets: [280+ horse coins] :: [France Sowers] :: [Colorful world copper] :: [Beautiful world coins]
Of course a good quality picture would be of some help as well.
Well, just Love coins, period.