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UD Inspirations = UD Legends dejavu?

seriously... both have redemptions RCs, but sell about $90/box, both have their #1 draft pick redemption go for like $250 at first...

i wonder if it's gonna bust like ud legends did?

Ebay ID: mysteryman152

"Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

eat this, nikobe


  • DUH I havew been saying this All week right when the #1 pick card came out last year it sold for like 200 look at it now.
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • sorry, i ahven't been reading this board for a while, so i probalby didn't see your posts :-d
    I NEED 01-02 RCs of ZACH RANDOLPH!!

    Ebay ID: mysteryman152

    "Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

    eat this, nikobe
  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    yeah...set that comes out right around the draft, pain in the ass redemptions that you cant mail in til 3 months after the season starts...people go crazy trying to get them, then find out they dont book for shiz...yep, theyre quite the similar image
  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    ps--------i can tell you i wont invest even a dollar in a card, pack, or box of the (rap.
  • in the long run, the redemption rookies will be the better cards to have, Look at the Luck13 kobes, and carters, and the stadium club carter, and so on, they all skyrocketed 2 or 3 years after the fact, when you couldnt redeem them anymore. I remember when the kobe lucky 13 sat at $20 forever, and in two months it was up to $120....... I would give up any spx, or SPa for a nice redemption piece, image

  • ur kinda right erik. i traded for a lucky13 kittles when it was BV at $2.50 maybe just when the finals started (cards dont move until finals are over) and it didnt skyrocket but it went up to $8. pretty awesome but i would've went higher if the nets won. image
  • ya but legends did have som nice jersey cards image
    lookin for autos in baseball and basketball

    and cards from 01 studio private signings(BB) 96 ex (bkb) and 96 chrome (bkb)
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