Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

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RynePRyneP Posts: 6
edited September 7, 2020 3:36PM in Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

Hi Everyone,

A few years back I was fortunate enough to inherit a small collection of coins from my grandfather. I didn't think much of them at the time, but recently I have been able to invest some of my own money into stocks and crypto. Which has led me to begin looking into precious metals as a viable investment strategy.

While I have researched the basics such as how to safely store the coins, and the difference between ETF and physical investment. I am a bit in the dark when it comes to the validity of the coins that I currently own, and if I ever choose to sell what the best options are for me.

I began to document all the coins in my collection into a PDF alongside any information I thought might be useful for collectors or investors. I was hoping someone might be able to read through it and give me any tips on what is currently in my possession.


-I would guess that the coins from the U.S, Australian, and Canadian governments are the easiest to sell, but I am not sure what makes one coin more valuable over another.

-If the validity of certain coins (the 5oz Mexican coin) would be difficult to prove would it be easier to bring those to some sort of smelter to melt down for the metals base value?

-I have begun to purchase a few of my own coins and bars as you will see.

-Orange highlights on the PDF indicate that the weight is not marked on the coin, but based on the size of other coins in the collection the value provided is what I estimate the weight to be

Any information that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.



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