Gibraltar gold cherub angel challenge

Somebody end the mystery for me. The Gibraltar cherubs were minted by Pobjoy Mint from 1998 to 2003. The coins all replicate inspired paintings of cherubs, angels, and putti. What was the origin of the 2001 coin?
1998 - Bougeareau - l'Amor et Psyche, enfants
1999 - Reynolds - Heads of Angels (Miss Frances Gordon)
2000 - Cabanel - Naissance de Venus
2001 - ???
2002 - Raphael Sanzio - Triumph of Galatea
2003 - Raphael Sanzio - Sistine Madonna
Can ANYBODY among the hard-core, serious coin collectors out there figure what painting was used for 2001? My searches have extended from Boucher to Moureau, de Predis, Fragonard, Quentin de Tour, Lancret, Degas, Nattier, Acrimboldo, Vermeer, and Huquier. Anybody care to pick up the torch (or trumpet) that the putti is holding?
Charlie in Texas