Did someone say green? Not to be contrarian, but green is actually not that uncommon in Mercs. Natural bright pink, purple, and aqua are much rarer in my experience. Sure you'll see pinks on a rainbow toner, but very rare to see a primarily pink or purple Merc.
On a serious note, not based on scientific probabilities but based on observation, green toning is fairly common. Some of the darker colors like violet, purple, deep magenta, etc., seem scarcer to me. With that said, green is the money color.
I like green on all coins, blue is also pretty striking and maybe more rare than green. I only have a couple buffs with blue.
Green gold is also cool. (Especially in an ogh)
On copper, I think the most seldom seen color toning is silver. But for silver coins, I agree with green...although seen on plenty of coins, it more often than not has the least amount of coverage on rainbow style toned coins. There are of course exceptions but it is generally the case in my experience.
I know of a really attractive PCGS MS64 Brown Cent that is toned a really nice green and is for sale but it is too much of a distraction for my current focus and limited funds.
"If it's not fun, it's not worth it." - KeyMan64 Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
Here's a scarce "green" on a SLQ - Sadly, I sold it a few years back but I enjoyed owning it for a time.
.It was graded PCGS AU58 but the rub on the head & reverse eagle was too distracting for me to see past.
No. Any muted and/or dark tone isn’t necessarily rare or particularly valuable.
Like the neon green @bolivarshagnasty posted above, especially when found on a non-modern coin...
Like these Morgan’s....vivid emerald green...
Those fall into a different category all together with the high grade and vivid colors, not just the emerald green. Professional photography helps too.
Those fall into a different category all together with the high grade and vivid colors, not just the emerald green. Professional photography helps too.
Neon green is very tough, but I've never seen blazing red toning on silver coins. Sure some deeper oranges or magenta, but not outright red. My greenie:
@koynekwest said:
I don't think I've ever seen a uniformly green toned coin.
Here you go.
I would have to disagree with the heavy majority here, on a technicality. I do not think green is the least common color. I do think, however, that it is the best color that represents originality, as it is the hardest color to replicate, and the artificial attempts are always the wrong hues. Get the right green, you have an original coin.
Some refer to overgraded slabs as Coffins. I like to think of them as Happy Coins.
What part of the green spectrum though? Watermelon green, neon green, etc..
This green?

keep it simple, we aren't trying to "market" a coin. it's just green.
Candy apple red and forest green are really hard to accelerate or quick fake.
The easiest are gold, electric pink and neon blue.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
I would say green.
Green. But look hard enough and you can find it.
Edited to space the two photos... not the same coin
I like that coin. Good elevation chromatics, nice pull away. Visually appealing.
Correct color. Obverse untoned.
[Ebay Store - Come Visit]
Roosevelt Registry
transactions with cucamongacoin, FHC, mtinis, bigjpst, Rob41281, toyz4geo, erwindoc, add your name here!!!
And it's not easy finding the green in a toned coin.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Definitely green.
Got some green here-

And here-
And here-

Faint but it's there

The finger print is ugly but the green is there.

Green is pretty scarce.

I think this one is pretty unique as well with some "off color" greens in here.
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
I've found light green and teal to be the scarcest:
8 Reales Madness Collection
Hey !
Ya, ya , pick on the new guy !
Did someone say green? Not to be contrarian, but green is actually not that uncommon in Mercs. Natural bright pink, purple, and aqua are much rarer in my experience. Sure you'll see pinks on a rainbow toner, but very rare to see a primarily pink or purple Merc.
Well, you didn't say that the toning had to be the source of green...
On a serious note, not based on scientific probabilities but based on observation, green toning is fairly common. Some of the darker colors like violet, purple, deep magenta, etc., seem scarcer to me. With that said, green is the money color.
I like green on all coins, blue is also pretty striking and maybe more rare than green. I only have a couple buffs with blue.

Green gold is also cool. (Especially in an ogh)
Any color tarnish is rare in my collection
Cheers, RickO
On copper, I think the most seldom seen color toning is silver. But for silver coins, I agree with green...although seen on plenty of coins, it more often than not has the least amount of coverage on rainbow style toned coins. There are of course exceptions but it is generally the case in my experience.
I know of a really attractive PCGS MS64 Brown Cent that is toned a really nice green and is for sale but it is too much of a distraction for my current focus and limited funds.
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
This is a "pick your color" coin.

It's rare to see colors that don't appear pastel or neon, like a cherry red.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
BIN... $100 1990's pesos.
I had to get the light just right to show the band of green at 5 o'clock:
Successful BST transactions with: Cameonut, Rob41281
Here's a scarce "green" on a SLQ - Sadly, I sold it a few years back but I enjoyed owning it for a time.

.It was graded PCGS AU58 but the rub on the head & reverse eagle was too distracting for me to see past.
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
No. Any muted and/or dark tone isn’t necessarily rare or particularly valuable.
Like the neon green @bolivarshagnasty posted above, especially when found on a non-modern coin...
Like these Morgan’s....vivid emerald green...
Those fall into a different category all together with the high grade and vivid colors, not just the emerald green. Professional photography helps too.
Here's a couple more with green. I also find aqua, turquoise, electric blue, and bright red to be less frequently seen than green.
I was going to say "mine" but that's not a color... (As in no color on any of mine
@SeattleSlammer said:
Yeah, "nature" did an expert job on those 😉
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Yes, this is a steely. PCGS MS65 CAC
More green.
All I see is rainbows.
Are there any coins with one single color, (Color) throughout the whole coin?
Here's one I sold a couple of years ago:

I'm still trying to find images of the solid green Battle Creek toner I sold 3-4 years ago.
Here's another one I made and sold:

I don't think I've ever seen a uniformly green toned coin.
I finally got pics of this one that I'm happy with.
Neon green is very tough, but I've never seen blazing red toning on silver coins. Sure some deeper oranges or magenta, but not outright red. My greenie:
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
Here you go.
I would have to disagree with the heavy majority here, on a technicality. I do not think green is the least common color. I do think, however, that it is the best color that represents originality, as it is the hardest color to replicate, and the artificial attempts are always the wrong hues. Get the right green, you have an original coin.
That's a nice lincoln. What is the grade on it?
I like the green/gold combo that shows up from time to time on silver.