1888 DDR $20 Lib in a Regency Holder
Only infrequently do you come across a Regency Holder on eBay. I'm open to offers if someone has been looking for one.
Successful transactions with RYK, Soldi, Cent225, RG, ilmcoins, Jim Tyler, commoncents05, coinduece, Hash Tag, jclovescoins, carsgoby, Smittys, Pittstate03, astrorat, pragmaticgoat, al032184, Rob41281, commoncents05, TexasAKHouston, nankraut, Lakesammman, Wahoo554, Vetter, RedSeals, coinlieutenant and others.https://www.ebay.com/str/GoldenDoubleEagleCoins
holy moly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He who knows he has enough is rich.
Very cool, but...she's a Liberty, not a Saint...
https://pcgs.com/setregistry/collectors-showcase/classic-issues-colonials-through-1964/zambezi-collection-trade-dollars/7345Asesabi Lutho
The green background on gold is quite the complement IMO. Nice 👍
It's all about what the people want...
It was late lol
Successful transactions with RYK, Soldi, Cent225, RG, ilmcoins, Jim Tyler, commoncents05, coinduece, Hash Tag, jclovescoins, carsgoby, Smittys, Pittstate03, astrorat, pragmaticgoat, al032184, Rob41281, commoncents05, TexasAKHouston, nankraut, Lakesammman, Wahoo554, Vetter, RedSeals, coinlieutenant and others.https://www.ebay.com/str/GoldenDoubleEagleCoins
Very nice!!
I've been selling on eBay as dirtygoldguy for more than 10 years and I've never had a listing that has generated so many watchers in such a short time after listing.
Successful transactions with RYK, Soldi, Cent225, RG, ilmcoins, Jim Tyler, commoncents05, coinduece, Hash Tag, jclovescoins, carsgoby, Smittys, Pittstate03, astrorat, pragmaticgoat, al032184, Rob41281, commoncents05, TexasAKHouston, nankraut, Lakesammman, Wahoo554, Vetter, RedSeals, coinlieutenant and others.https://www.ebay.com/str/GoldenDoubleEagleCoins