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1908 S USPI Peso RPM (?)

I bought a 1908 S Philippines Peso for my collection recently and noticed some odd "lines" on the MM under my 16x loupe. The usb microscope and 60x Ebay clip on smartphone microscope showed some characteristics that looked at first to be MD or some other false doubling, but now I'm not so sure. I may be looking at it too hard, but it doesn't look quite "flat and shelflike" enough for MD. For starters, there are "structures " on top of the "shelf" in some spots. Also doesn't seem "mushy" enough for DDD.
I've managed to get some photos that are perhaps better than previous posts (fingers crossed). If this isn't RPM, MD or DDD what could it be? Feel free to take a look and tell me what you see. I'm relatively new to RPM and would definitely appreciate any responses that could further my understanding of this topic.
Thanks for looking.

Best Answer

  • kruegerkrueger Posts: 888 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2, 2020 9:57PM Answer ✓

    Not the traditional S/S version. I own two certified. And in the Allen catalog.
    This appears it might be another type of S/S
    At this high of magnification it may not be acceptable to a TPG to certify one. 10x visabilty is standard.
    If it is truly one, the TPG'S want it catalog listed to certify one. Difficult to get to that to happen.
    Send your case to CONECA.ORG to verify your discovery. This would be the first step to
    To getting it vetted and accepted by the community. You need other experts to agree.
    Your claim is not enough. Varieties are being claimed all the time. Most are bogus.

    Good luck
    Philippine specialist 45 years


  • USTerritorialsUSTerritorials Posts: 12
    edited September 2, 2020 10:18PM

    Thanks, Krueger. Yeah, definitely not Allen 17.03a. That rectangular die break/gouge/whatever is not on any cataloged examples I've seen. My curiosity was piqued initially after noticing sharply defined lines of separation on the lower bar of the S, the inside of the "belly", the outer diagonal and the upper bar and serif (under my 16x loupe). I'll take your response as a sign of encouragement that my RPM diagnostics are developing, even if it does turn out to be a minor variety.
    Thanks also for the CONECA.ORG link. Will keep that in mind for the future (when I build my macro bellows rig and get MUCH more respectable photographs). Being both AR and somewhat OCD, I will of course spend the next 8-12 months continuing to study the coin, as well as see if I can pick other examples using possible die markers.
    Thanks again!

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