Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

WTB/WTT Classic Gold, Southern Mint Gold, Seated/Bust Coinage, Flying Eagle Cent and More

I am looking to buy a affordable O minted quarter eagle for around $400 (potentially a half eagle for like 600). I would also like to purchase a pleasing classic head half eagle for right around $1000 (looking for a AU/XF, though I will take lower grades depending on how good they look/grade/price.) As well as some seated quarters (ideally branch mints). Looking for XF/AU but will settle for pleasing VF is the price is right. looking to spend 300 or less on a seated quarter. Also looking for a capped bust half dollar in high XF/AU for under 500. I'd also like a flying eagle cent in XF for under 150. Lastly, I would like a draped bust dollar in the area of $1000. Ideally F or higher but will settle for less. Willing to accept some detailed coins for this one.
I will have the money to buy these coins by around early next week since I am a YN (on a budget) and am going to be selling coins and junk silver to cover the purchases that i will be making here.


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