America's Silver Certificates and Others

Scooter007 suggested on another thread (WWII Notes) that I might start a Silver Certificate thread as I collect them, mainly $1.00 notes. I gave away my camera so I have to use scans. so I hope you will bear with me. Feel free to show us your Silver Certificates or any interesting notes you might want to show off. Thanks ahead of time for helping to keep our little corner of this forum active and interesting.
Here goes my first; wish me luck.

These are all the above $1.00 SCs I have. Thanks for looking and any and all comments are welcome.
@AlexinPA …… _Nice Assortment of Notes 👍 Thanks for Sharing _
These I won in the June 2020 Contest on another forum ( Thanks JD)

Hey Scooter007 you can't get much better than those. Thanks for sharing.
Very nice!
Key note.

Nice note. I like the Reverse on these.
This is my first post of the $1.00 notes. I am starting at 1957 and working my way back.

cool notes. that good grade note is way cool
Nice Notes you guys👍. I do enjoy seeing your posts… Thanks for Sharing 😀
A 1928 $1 Silver Certificate replacement note.
Also won in a contest on another forum …. This time September 2019 contest. (Thanks Deli…)

Scooter007 I wish I had your luck.

A couple of Silver Certificates …series 1935 A ⭐️ Notes

There are large ones also

That is one nice 1891. I really love those three little letters: EPQ. Thanks for posting it.
Now there are two beautiful notes.
My 1935s

_Tom x 4 … Wow, those are some Beautiful Notes 👍 _
Alexin … Also some Awesome examples, Wow👍
You guys definitely have some super nice notes 😀
I have been drooling over that 1896 Educational note. I wish the US would bring those back. I read somewhere, can't remember, that they still had the plates and designs for $1.00 thru $20.00. Gee they were beautiful.
Here's a 1934 - 1 front and 1 back. Happy Labor Day everyone.

Okay folks, here's some 1928, 28A, 28B for you.

And here are the backs..........

Thanks for looking at our pics of America's Silver Certificates
...and a little SC error

...and a Hawaiian

tomtomtomtom> @tomtomtomtom said:
Those are four of the nicest notes I have seen. The $2 is very nice. Thanks for posting these beauties.
The scarcest experimental $1 SC Y-B block
Fr. 1608exp
Fr. 1608 exp
I can't help but like this note. Very nice and you are right. Scarce. Thanks for showing us. Look at the SN!
Two of my favorite small-size SCs. People I show these to are amazed to see the bright red R & S printed on the face of these notes.

_Nice Notes _
@synchr that Y-B 555 is awesome and @tomtomtomtom your notes a Beautiful as I have come to expect 👍
@AlexinPA gorgeous Silvers, keep them coming and @mbwizkid I’m dig’n those “experimentals
Keep them coming guys 👍👍
_Could this be considered a _A Hybrid Silver Certificate ❓_

Very nice. Experimentals! I am very jealous. I don't have one.
Don't know but I hope someone can tell us. Very interesting.
I’m thinking I messed up.
Maybe it would be a _Philippines Silver Certificate _ , and a United States Federal Reserve Note
Thread title is America’s Silver Certificates.……… so my bad… Opps 🙁
No bad what so ever Scooter007. I'll change the title to just Silver Certs, if I can. I think you got this one right. It appears to be a combo of a Silver Certificate and a Legal Tender Note. What ever, it's a nice example.
Here's a pair of 1923 "Horse Blankets' I was lucky enough to pick up off EBay. Remember, comments are always wanted. As I said earlier I am a coin collector so if anyone has any suggestions they are welcome.

My only comment would be …… I like them Thanks for sharing & keep it up 👍
Trying to keep it alive. Here are some 1899 notes for you to look at. Sorry for the scans but I 'loaned' my good camera to my brother-in-law who got an RV. If anyone has large notes post them; they are always interesting.

not large, but I just got it

Some large size SCs

Love those large notes whether they were Silver Certs or others. Almost like works of art.
Hey Scooter007: Nice North Africa note. Nice pick up.
Has anyone posted a Porthole yet? Here's mine:
How about a red seal $50 silver...

That is a very nice $50.00 note. I've never seen one not even on EBay. Thanks for posting it.
I just caught that sticker: Only "25 known". Amazing. That must be one expensive note but I'll wager worth every penny.