Worth a Review? Pack Experts

I am thinking of sending this pack in for a review. I have seen many of these packs in far worse shape graded a lot higher. Is it worth the money to send for a review? Also, since it is for a review, would it still be 100 days? Opinions wanted, especially from the pack experts out there. Thanks!
I think no. Im thinking they may see some type of water damage or mildew
It might look that way on the back. But a 4? the wrapper is tight and free of tears and no wear on the corners.
ON the front in the white where the gum is. It looks discolored and wavy common to some that I have seen with water damage.
Thanks man! I will check it out. That is why I ask questions on here. Appreciate it.
Looked at it and see what you are seeing. Not sure, but I'm not spending $150 or more and six months, to find out. Really do appreciate the help. Still an awesome looking pack.