How much does minor edge chipping impact grading?

I have many nice baseball rookies from the 60s through mid 80s. Examples being rookies of Ryan, Schmidt, Brett, Ripken, Gwynn, McGwire, and others. Most have 2-3 very nice corners (minor fraying on some), at least 60-40 centering, white borders, but nearly all of them have minor chipping on one edge. The gray cardboard doesn't show but the white border itself is chipped. Most can only be seen under 10x magnification and not with the naked eye (or at least my eyes). I am submitting to PSA for the first time, but hope to get at least Grade 8...or 9 if possible. Would cards with minor chipping and 1-2 frayed corners only be worth a grade 5-7? Again, the frayed corners look super sharp to the naked eye and chipping seen only with magnification.
Also, are there any resources that will show pictures of cards at 10x magnification and corresponding grades? (I realize that each card is different, even those graded the same.) I'm new to the grading scene, so any tips and insight are greatly appreciated. Thanks
Best Answers
LarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭
High quality scans are needed to make an assessment. Graders do not use 10x loupes, only naked eye AFAIK.
5 -
alco5521 Posts: 4 ✭
So it sounds like a 8-9 is possible if the chipping is minor? Understood that high quality scans are needed. I'm trying to determine declared value and if the cards are worth submitting. Also, I've heard that 60s-70s cards are evaluated differently than say a '92 UD Shaq rookie when card materials were different than in older cards.
Thank you, that’s really good to know. Some of my edges are like this card.
There is a difference between chipping and "rough cut" imo.
To me chipping is when the damage/imperfection is inside the edge of the card and affects the surface of the card. Rough cuts usually are the edge of the card and the card surface may be unaffected.
Just my .02
Very helpful, thank you. Wondering what PSA says about that and if it’s still possible to get an 8 or 9 if the rest of the card is pristine? Are there corresponding pictures of it along with the grades given? Love to see that.