When am I going to get my slot?

I asked three weeks ago for a slot for my MINT ENGRAVER 2017 W (2020) Silver Eagle. When will I get One? Mike
I asked three weeks ago for a slot for my MINT ENGRAVER 2017 W (2020) Silver Eagle. When will I get One? Mike
I currently have 38 new Slot requests pending...since July 14
Latest word is that PCGS is quite a ways behind...Annual Awards announcement will be several more weeks so I suspect that to be the priority
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I'm new to this forum. What is a "slot"?
A slot is the position in which a coin is "inserted" into a collection...
As in coins collected in a particular year or coin series set would have a defined position in the collection
Storing your collection in PCGS coin slab cases each coin would be stored in a slot inside the case...20 coins/slots per case
Therefore the positioning of each coin in PCGS Set Registry is called a slot
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I had a slot denied after about a month or so, because the slot "already existed" since they added it that day or thereabouts (like, a month after I put in my slot request) - Great, I can add my 2020 coin to the registry finally, but every time I open my Activity panel, I'm still greeted with a big red X and the words "DENIED" up there... I feel so loved LOL. My other request has been "pending" for over a month now too. Not really worried about it, I too would rather them spend their resources on the annual awards getting published.
Make as many New Slot requests as I have...and that "old news" will find a dark corner to sit in
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
In one of my sets, I want a slot "removed" as the overall consensus is that it isn't a mint state issue but a proof issue....a little disagreement, I was told, but overall, it really doesn't belong...keeps almost everyone from being 100%, even if they want to get the "other" really big key.
(I'm talking half-cents here)
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment