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Would you have a moment for a "newborn" in the World of Coins, any advice, tips or direction?

Hello, I'll get right to the point- Earlier this year, I inherited 11 Morgan Silver Dollar Coins, ranging f/ 1883-1901 all Carson City except 2 which are New Orleans and 1 San Francisco. (I've read that 2 of them are considered a rarity).
I am to do with them as I wish, but hopefully do so wisely and to help get pieces of my life put back together. So, I ask you, where to begin? I know part of the answer is likely get them Graded or seen by a professional in the DFW, Texas area. Any recommendations on who or where? And anything further anyone would care to add, I thank you very much for your time and I will listen.
Oh, and they are in very good to very fine condition.

Best Answers


  • streeterstreeter Posts: 4,312 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Study U.S. Coin forum archives as much as you can. Read, read, read. Move slowly. Document your moves. Get opinions & keep the coins un cleaned & in your possession until you start deciding.

    Have a nice day
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