Ancients question--Thrace tetrobol, two offers via Heritage, am I missing something?

This was one of my early forays into ancients (a field I have made a few random purchases in but not yet gotten organized with). I love it, I love griffins. Was a bit of a whim. Thing is, I've now gotten a second offer for it via Heritage. More than twice what I paid including fees, and after fees, I'll still be a little over double what I paid.
Have the prices on ancients really gone up, or am I missing something about this coin? I really like it, but I'm hardly an expert.
It's a nice coin and not one I see very often. Ancients are an odd duck market-wise. Not sure why you're getting such high offers. Maybe someone just really likes it and has $ to burn.
Like how I felt when I bought it
Shoot, I'm trying to make my collecting self supporting (ie selling to buy) except I haven't really sold much...but nor have I been tweaked by anything enough to buy it. Lost a good coin in a Japanese auction and maybe that soured me a bit.
I do that pretty often, buy something, enjoy it a bit, off it goes to fund something better & for long term keeping.
But if it's a pretty handsome sum from what you paid, part with it and get something even better.
Indeed. It's twice what I paid, but basically not enough to really matter in my overall budget. If I saw something I wanted Really Badly, I'd find that amount somewhere other than my official budget, so I don't 'need' it. I hate that some things in life boil down to dollars and cents (or sense). Logically it's a great 'investment return'. But I don't buy coins for that. Sigh. And really, it's a sweet little coin I'm fond of.
Ah well, I wasn't sure if prices have really escalated, or if it's an unrecognized treasure, or perhaps someone just wants it. This is when if Heritage allowed a messaging service between the offerer and the offer-ee perhaps that would sway me. Sell me a good story and I am more likely to sell the coin.
I know nothing about that issue but it has excellent eye-appeal, centering and also has interesting images on both sides of the coin. It may well be exceptional for the type. Is the offer good enough to make you seriously think about selling?
The HA listing says you are actively accepting offers. Are you sure that’s what you want it to say? If so, you should respond.
By the way, the old saying “The time to sell something is when you have a buyer” is apt here. If it’s not your core collection, and the price is good for you (and it seems it is), then sell it and move on.
By the way, the listing says the offer is $800. Does that include the HA fee, or has that already been deducted?
I sold some non-core but cool items a few years ago because I knew there was a “whale” in the market keeping prices high. Take advantage of those opportunities.
@pruebas Hm, I did not know I was 'actively accepting offers'. That is good to know. And the $800 is before the HA fee. They get 10%. Still more than double what I paid with my fees too.
This is a great example of selling is harder than buying. Someone over at CT posted a link to a well provenanced one that sold well. And I think this one is nicer. A tough decision. I was just mildly astonished at the price. That said, though strong, it appears within the bounds of reason.
I love the mythological beast motifs and fear if I ever get more serious about ancients (like I like to say I'm going to do) well this would be a great coin and I'd hate to be priced out of it in the future.
Upon more reflection, it's not a game changing amount for me and I fear this is one I'd regret selling. I will have to check my settings at HA.
Pretty sure accepting offers is the default setting until you go change it in your account.
As to selling, have a look around and see if you can replace it for less!
Good to know about the settings!
I did check VCoins and MA-shops. I don’t have a paid acsearch account (silly for me). Nothing quite like this for sale currently and not super common at auction.
My morning reflection is that replacing it would be tough. Other griffin coins I generally see are not as nice or exceed my budget for non core items. But as ancients are a direction I would LIKE to be more involved with (and this price point is not a make/break one for me), in this case I need to keep it. I would regret selling.
It’s always good to bounce things off fellow collectors. Logic vs emotion vs practicality vs needs. I don’t need the money for another coin right now, though logically that is a nice profit for a hobby I expect to lose money playing at. Emotionally I just LIKE the darn thing, and practically, it would be harder to replace than I realized.
So, a keeper. Until something changes. The morning reflection is indeed good. Though maybe I’ll keep accepting offers on it just to see how high the offers can go (on phone so pretend I added my LOL avatar here). It’s the only coin I’ve gotten multiples on after all.
I had the exact same thing happen to me last week, only in a different series (not ancients). I was torn whether or not to sell at a price I'll not likely see again. It was the investor vs. collector struggle. I eventually decided not sell. But if he comes back with even a higher offer - I'm not sure my collector side will be able to hold out.