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Two peace medal copies with D mintmark

These two peace medals seem like some sort of copy and each has a D mintmark. There's a Andrew Jackson and a Martin Van Buren. Each is about 34mm, 17g, plain edge, and medal-turn. They don't feel like silver at all, more like a base metal and the edges are turning brown. Anyone know what these are?


  • MedalCollectorMedalCollector Posts: 1,981 ✭✭✭✭✭

    1 5/16 inch presidential miniature medals struck by the Denver Mint. They’re bronze and have been struck since the 1970s, though the Denver Mint stopped in the 90s.

  • orgmrorgmr Posts: 54 ✭✭

    That is great info and helped me find out that these were items H07 and H08 in the mint catalog.

    Another question though, the color in my pictures is terrible because both of these medals are bright silver in color, not bronze colored. Did someone silver plate them as some kind of promotion in the past? Any info will be appreciated.

  • Namvet69Namvet69 Posts: 9,010 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I find that this peace medal design and size were often plated silver. Peace Roy

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