More Hungarian Gold

Picked up some more goodies the other night. Left the brief item description up top. Going to cross them all over hopefully.
Picked up some more goodies the other night. Left the brief item description up top. Going to cross them all over hopefully.
Some really nice pieces. Are you Hungarian or just a collector of some of its coinage?
My wife is Hungarian
I like US Coins mostly but when I get bored I go all dark side and pick up pieces. Usually I grab gold since who doesn’t like gold? 😀
Seriously though I do like a lot of the European gold - especially 12th-16th century for some reason.
My Type Set & My Complete Proof Nickel Set!
Like them.
They look like nice coins !
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
the 93 ducat is the textbook definition of a nice coin. I was one one of several underbidders on it it seems
Very attractive coins!
It never ceases to amaze me how coins that old, and gold, no less, still exist in MS.
Here’s another I just picked up. It’s a 1/6 ducat from Hungary.
HUNGARY. Leopold I. 1698-NB IB AV 1/6 Ducat. NGC MS66 Nagybanya KM 189
My Type Set & My Complete Proof Nickel Set!