Mark Hulbert thinks that gold is a foolish place to put your money now.

Mark Hulbert has been a financial writer and stock guy for several decades. If gold is such a foolish place, what about the stock market? Isn't it a wee bit overvalued and vulnerable to a serious pullback? The story never ends......
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
I knew it would happen.
I knew it would happen.
When weighing value of one's opinion, best to look at who is paying him for that opinion and why he might be selling that opinion. Why I prefer that my news comes from Bulgaria. LOL
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Any place is a foolish place to put ALL your money.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Ah yes, the good ole Putin news network. Seriously, turn off the zero hedge for one month, trust me I've been there. Your mind will become clear. Reality is such a wonderful place to be.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
CNBC reality is not real. Wake up, you're dreaming. Rgds.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
he missed out on the investment, so now he down plays it
Was he foolish enough to say gold was a foolish place to have your money?
His employer, Marketwatch, makes it's money (ad revenue) kneeling to the whims of those who sell the anti-gold story in order to protect their stock commission revenue.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I buy it and sell it often ( for money, of all things) ,in spite of what anyone says or thinks. Suits me fine.
Blitzburgh, blitzdude lol, go Stillers, what's your location? Love the stained glass!!!!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
How much physical gold like AGEs is changing hands at current pricing?
Millennials Flock to Gold and Cryptocurrencies Amid Economic Uncertainty
Maybe these kids can take us up to the levels of bitcoin? Take that Hulbert! lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Any place is a foolish place to put ALL your money.
Regarding investing in precious metals, that may be what I do, but that's not what the article said.
I contend that you CAN put ALL of your money into metals, and your risk level CAN be diversified over time if you do it consistently - both on the way in, and on the way out.
Another perspective is that you don't get the significant gains if you don't go all in - i.e., if you are "properly diversified among asset classes". These days, the whole structure is a mirage and even diversification is a potential trainwreck.
Lastly, going all in on physical metals is still much less risky than buying anything on margin or buying an 2X or 3X ETF.
Everything is relative, and physical metals aren't that risky especially compared to what else is available in financial wonderland.
I'd much rather have a physical asset that I can get my hands on when the markets go awry (and they always do).
In this environment of uncontrolled money creation and uncontrolled spending, one's overriding investment principle should always be "The Fed is NOT your friend".
I knew it would happen.
Nebraska. My wife can make one for ya.
NOW may be correct. You should have already bought your gold.