(WTB) Dateless Buffalo Nickels

Yes as odd as it sounds im looking to buy dateless buffalos in bulk! I have a method other than Nic-a-date for restoring dates, so im making kits on my website that come with the nickels and the solution for restoring dates. If you have a bunch of reasonably priced dateless buffalos for sale, please let me know. Thank you
Owner of http://www.timidpenny.com
I have 79, what do you consider a reasonable price. Bear in mind I like to trade also. I like certified pennies and Roosevelts and my true passion is Capped bust anything.
Let me know. I'm retired and financially in good shape so be comfortable with the price I'm not looking to retire off 80 buffalos no date.
Bob Sr.
I really don't know what the going rate for them is. I pruchased 600 on ebay for $120. Would $25 and free shipping be reasonable? Not trying to lowball i just dont know a good price. I have an online coin shop http://www.timidpenny.com i have coins listed there if youd like any of them for trade. Unfortunately i dont have much in stock right now of the 3 coin types you mentioned
Owner of http://www.timidpenny.com
Yea, I could do that. P.M. me tell me how you want them shipped and drop a credit for $25 plus shipping and I'll look through your web page later. I trade these to a guy up in Vermont for 3 to $4.00 in trade goods but I'm not going to Vermont this summer due to virus so I have some excess. I love trading
Bob Sr Ceo Fieldtdchs
If you buy a large quantity (at least 1,000), the going rate is usually 10c to 20c each. A major wholesaler was buying at 12c each and then had a posting to sell at 16c each a few years ago. I don’t have any of these anymore, but hope this info helps. The full date buffalo nickels trade around 50cents each wholesale
I know who you're talking about. I bought from them several times in the past but as i said, I'm not going to Vermont this year so I don't have a need for any.
shoot me an address, I'm going to the V.A. in Nashville sunday and won't be back until wed. so I'll send them wed. Let me know how you want them sent.
Bob Sr Ceo Fieldtechs