1964 SMS coins?

In a different thread I stated the silver 1964 Kennedy was a MS & Proof only issue. Then I went to the PCGS pop report looking around and saw PCGS has graded 9 SMS 1964 Kennedy's.
But the PCGS price guide does not list any SMS Kennedy's for 1964 just proofs and circulation strikes. The same holds true for the cent, nickel, dime, & quarter.
There is no designation of Cameo or Deep Cameo for the 1964 SMS coins like there is for the later dates.
Can anyone explain this for me? What was the difference between the 1964 SMS and the 1965 and later SMS coins. If there are SMS coins for that date why don’t PCGS list a price for them.
But the PCGS price guide does not list any SMS Kennedy's for 1964 just proofs and circulation strikes. The same holds true for the cent, nickel, dime, & quarter.
There is no designation of Cameo or Deep Cameo for the 1964 SMS coins like there is for the later dates.
Can anyone explain this for me? What was the difference between the 1964 SMS and the 1965 and later SMS coins. If there are SMS coins for that date why don’t PCGS list a price for them.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
a suitable replacement for the proof set. They tried several things and some of them
were on 1964 dated coins. On the later sets they used three different processes to
make the SMS coins, but there's only one type of the '64 SMS's apparently.
From the research I've done about 10 - 15 sets 1964 SMS were made by the mint. I was told one dealer purchased the majority of these sets and has been selling them off over the years.
I have a 1964 SMS Jefferson MS68FS purchased at the FUN show this year. The coin has a satiny appearance. I actually examined two coins - the other was a MS67 Jefferson. This coin even though a total production of less than 15 coins did not have full steps. Just goes to show how difficult some Jefersons are in FS. I would post a picture, but the coin is at the bank.
My Jefferson Full Step Variety Set (1938 - Current)
My Jefferson Proof Variety Set (1938 - Current)
The coin has a lot--a whole lot--of die polish lines across the entire obverse. Not a stunningly beautiful coin, but certainly an interesting one.