What do you think of a dealer who............

I have noticed at the last couple of big shows that a dealer, who shall remain nameless, puts a sticker over the grade of a lot of his slabbed coins and writes GemBU on the sticker. First of all you can still tell the grade on PCGS coins by looking at the code line. Secondly, what's up with this. Anybody seriously thinking of buying the will want to see the grade and will not want to pay 65 money for a 64 or lower coin! Am I right here? Who does he think he is kidding? I know you should buy the coin not the holder, but this pretty much would be a deal breaker to me.
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
If he prices it according to what he thinks the grade is and it's in your favor, why not. Otherwise, don't like that practice at all.
Myself I would Keep On Walking.
Edit to Add: Maybe I should Not Go Here but Here Goes Anyway.
I'm with you Ken.
I think I had the pleasure (displeasure) of meeting him yesterday at the expo! He had a 1923 Merc in a green label barcoded holder. There was a white sticker with hand written in pencil the word "gem" over the PCGS grade. The coin was nice and in my mind I was thinking it was a 65ish+ coin. I asked him what it said under the sticker (as I didn't want to be the one to peel it off) and he replied "it says (*) but I grade it a 67". I looked at him while gently laying the holder on his display case, I said "thanks" and walked away!
* I will tell you I can't even remember if he said 65 or 66. I was so astonished at his comment and I certainly didn't believe it was better than a high end 65 or low end 66 that everything he said been erased from my mind as "wortheless jumble". I can also say that I have a very good memory, typically.
I personally think a better "MO" for the gentleman would be to list "PQ" next to the grade if that is his opinion. I think he would have more people looking at his coins with an open mind. As to stickering the PCGS grade and telling me his overambitious opinion of the grade, I will likely never speak to the moron again!
I would for sure avoid that guy. I can see a dealer not agreeing with a grade that PCGS gave a coin, but to hide it and try to sell it as a higher grade is really stupid.
I would be curious to see how many people bought from him with that practice.
That's the guy all right and I saw the 23 you are talking about. He is something. Thinks all his coins are a point or two better than they are.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Did you look closely at the 23 and what was your opinion of the grade?
I picked up a 27 63FB, 37-d 65FB (old holder), and 39 66FB. I am sure you probabaly saw all of the coins that I purchased being you were there the day before. I thought they were all nice and the 27 is undergraded IMO. Any thoughts?
I didn't even ask to see the 23 when I saw what he was doing. I have my 23-P anyway. Mine is a super PQ 65FB. Might go 66, but doubt if I do that.
As for the coins you bought, I really didn't notice. A lot of the time I will pass over coins I don't need for my set. I'm down to the 20-S, 23-S (have NGC61) and that elusive 27-D. Of cource I will always be upgrading when I see really nice coins at a good price.
I did get a 17-S in 65 to upgrade my 64. It's high end also with real good strike. Bands are almost full. At the prices some of the Mercs are with full bands I am starting to like the higher grade without bands that cost less than a lower grade with bands. If you look at my set (Jon T Potts) you will see it's only 80 some per cent FB.