"Hobo" World coins?

Any around? I'd think with the many many MANY countries who adore putting kings and queens, silly looking or not, on their coins that it would be a magnificently fertile opportunity to carve those coins.
Yet I don't know that I've seen many.
I don't know. Perhaps said monarchs wouldn't appreciate artistic license being taken with their likenesses! No international hobos have found their way into my collection yet.
Napoleon III 'le Miserable' - Some French 5 and 10 centimes pieces depicting Napoleon III were recut to parody the emperor following his disastrous performance in the Franco-Prussian War.
Example of a recut coin to mock the emperor: https://www.cgb.fr/dix-centimes-napoleon-iii-tete-nue-satirique-1856-rouen-f-133-34-var-tb,fmd_578488,a.html
Example of later medal based on these types of satirical pieces: https://www.cgb.fr/medaille-satirique-cu-32-type-c-chouette-monetaire-1870-schw-c3b-sup,fmd_512498,a.html
Paul Kruger South Africa coins - During and after the Boer War, a number of the silver South African coins depicting Paul Kruger were carved to show him wearing a hat and smoking a pipe. These are perhaps more common than the Napoleon pieces, but I've not seen too many - and the Kruger era South African pieces aren't exactly rare here in Scotland.
Examples - https://ha-europe.com/en/browse?aid=26&cid=16628&lid=101590
The Napoleon III and ZAR Kruger coins mentioned above are the only ones that come to mind. In Northern Ireland, both factions have been vandalizing each other's coins since the Troubles began, but that's more political (and less artistic) than the usual hobo nickel subject matter.
Most other countries simply don't have the tradition of making "hobo nickels". Most other countries, of course, also have laws prohibiting the vandalism of the nation's coinage. Up until the 1970s, defacing the monarch's portrait on a coin in Britain was still technically considered high treason.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
If they were serious, they'd put a death sentence on it.
Like Huerta did in Mexico.
I have a few of the Krugers

Then there is Queen Victoria as a suffragette:
Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association