paying with a Credit Card via PayPal
recently I had Zero balance in my PP account ( this is seldom).
then I made a $ 285 purchase and paid with my American Express card (unbranded original AX platinum card).
the Item was shipped and arrived. However, it was SNAD.
I contacted the seller who immediately offered a refund (return send) or a $25 discount if I keep it.
I decided to keep it as it was not all that important and the item was working fine.
Seller notified me that he refunded $25 to PP.
here is the issue: PP has no record of either a payment nor a refund!!!
However, AX has both, the payment and the refund.
Payment was made through PayPal.
It looks like PP is completely out of the picture, as AX shows the purchase from Ebay .
But why go through paypal?
just looks somewhat "funny".
well, it might look funny, but you still got the 25 dollar credit, that's all that matters. paypal has changed so much over the years, i don't like change either, you just have to go with it
Like @coinpalice said.
You accepted the sellers offer. Time to move on.
there is NO complaint on my side.
just curious why it does not show up on my PP account? as the transaction was made with PP in the middle?
maybe it is the separation between PP and EB>
I know that eBay and PP split a few years ago and I have noticed a few changes.
The refund shows up in the account of the person making the refund.
Does ebay show you getting the partial refund?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Ebay showed nothing. Ax showed it as received.
Similar thing happened to me recently. With the shutdown, communication was through PP chat. Turns out I was typing from the wife's PP account trying to resolve an issue with my PP account.
Sure you're looking at the right PP account?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
only have ONE... have no wife and GF has no access..
Your AX was the account that was billed...You processed the transaction using PayPal to charge Your AX card
If You have the credit on You AX card - that is all that matters (You can't have 2 credits)
The merchant's PayPal account (not Yours) credited the AX card - the credit didn't go thru Your PayPal account
It is done that way because the credit must go to the original method of payment (Your AX card)
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
thank you for that
I was never out to get refund 2 times...
just thought that it was done through PP, there should be a record with PP.
it is all good.
The payment You made billed Your Amex card...not Your PayPal account
Had You used PayPal funds to make the purchase...the credit would come back to Your PayPal account
In this instance...You only used Your PayPal account to PROCESS the transaction...not to pay for the purchase
Therefore the merchant credited Your original form of payment - the Amex card
The merchant credited Your Amex card directly...without the need for PayPal's processing (and fees)
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