Has anyone else developed FOSR during the Pandemic?

I was down to needing just a few each P&D of the 2019 San Antonio & River of No Return ATB quarters (and 3 each P&D of all the 2020's) when the Pandemic hit & the banks closed their lobbies. And now there's the coin shortage & limits on buying rolls from most of my bank sources.
Needless to say, my usual sources have dried up at least temporarily............
The other day, I made an appointment to get into my safe deposit box, and, while there, asked how they were doing with the "new normal" and the coin shortage. They said they were "managing", but things were a bit tight.
I asked for & received a few quarter rolls just to keep me busy, but, once I got home, was just a bit more "highly-sensitive" to being cautious & wearing gloves, etc when I opened & searched thru them, even though the CDC now says the likelihood of catching Covid-19 from touching surfaces, packaging, etc is minimal.
Which brings me to my point/question: "Has anyone else developed FOSR - - Fear Of Searching Rolls - - as a result of the Pandemic?"
I know it's over-reacting, but it's in the back of my mind nonetheless, and putting a real crimp in my style. I don't think I'll be searching for or finding my remaining ATB (or other denominations for 2020) needs anytime soon, unfortunately...........
Just wash your hands and you should be fine
Collector, occasional seller
I have no fear of searching rolls, but canna find them in the quantities I want to search anywheres. Canna e'en buy bags of coins from the credit unions because they are forced to sell them to the banks so they can get redistributed in rolls later on.
It's put a damper on my entire Corona-vacation...................

Have not ceased roll searching. Gloves, wash hands etc.
I've been using eyeglass wipes or small towels soaked in iso. A small bottle of 70% sitting around is the difference between you handling a slab, and you handling a slab with all sorts of shit all over it from who knows where.
Pocket change has been getting light iso sprays and rinsed with water.
We dont even bring mail or packaging in the house. Honestly I'd have to be out of my mind to search rolls now. That's the equivalent of handling at least 50 sick people's change per cent roll. That's disgusting. Coins are on the ground and the floor of bathrooms, in oil, pre, who knows what else. Someone coughs in their hand and touches their change and you want someone to package it up so you can bring it into your home? Around your family?
I have no fear of that...just use common cents............I mean sense
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Get them if you can, let them sit for 2wks, wash hands, should be fine. Iso and gloves are great ideas, too, for further precaution.