The Great Japanese Gold Trade of 1859

Collectors of Mexican 8 Reales have undoubtedly seen or heard of some of these coins being stamped with Japanese markings valuing them at 3-Bu, Bu being a Japanese unit of currency at the time. These are rare and interesting coins at the intersection of both Mexican and Japanese numismatics.
As an example, here is the Kyle Ponterio "Sam-Bu" specimen that was auctioned by Stacks in January of this year (not mine, unfortunately):
Today, while looking for something else on the net, I came across this very interesting article explaining how these coins came to be. I've read explanations about these coins before, but never anything this well-written and explanatory.
If you have a few minutes and the interest, please have a read “The Great Japanese Gold Trade of 1859”.
And after reading the article, this is what an Ichibu looks like (again from the Kyle Ponterio collection and not mine):
Interesting story, thanks for sharing !!!
Thanks for the link and for the nice pics. Added it to my reading list for later... summer reading.
Good read
Never saw that second example before, the first is quite nice.
I am adding a link to a new paper [for your Autumn reading pleasure]:
The Gold Standard and the Disappearance of the Mexican Silver Dollar as International Currency in Japan and East Asia Markets, 1850-1905