Uk pennies

Is there a book guide or website that gives all the info on the english penny? I have quite a collection and have a difficult time differentiating between some of them. The most trouble i have is with BU coins (lots of them from the 70s and 80s) what is the difference in some years between the BU unc and Proof coins...
A world without coins "Chaos"
Spinx is the go-to reference have you checked it out?
Spink....Or Peck...
Well, just Love coins, period.
For 1971 to 1982, the early currency pieces will have non-reflective surfaces compared to those of the proof sets, with the fields similar to the raised detail. The proofs have reflective surfaces including over the bust. There may be the odd proof with the bust slightly frosted.
From 1983 on, the proofs have frosted busts and reverses. The 'BU' uncirculated presentation pack coins have polished fields, but not to the extent of the proofs, and no frosted bust. The currency coins are as the early pieces, with a uniform matt surface. However, from the 1990s, the reflectiveness of the fields increase with some strikes coming close to those coins in the BU sets.
I have a scan of three shillings to hand, which although are not the coins you are asking about, do convey what I'm trying to explain about the features. The left is a currency piece with a fairly uniform matt finish. The middle one is a proof from the sets as sold to the masses in 1953, but the finish is as the early sets would be, i.e. with brilliant fields but no frosting. The BU sets in the card packaging are similar to this, but the finish is slightly less brilliant. The one on the right is a proof with a frosted bust and brilliant fields. This is what you will see on a proof post 1983.

This is what you want. The "Redbook" for UK coins. I can't say for certain if it wil! answer your questions regarding BU vs Proof but it's a good place to start. They also do a pre-decimal book

No it won't answer the question. The only solution is to have the three options in hand, but the image above is a fair reflection of what to expect as per the post. From 1971-1982 the only possible confusion is how bright the finish is on the currency coins, with a clear reflection visible in the proof field, but not on a currency piece. From 1983 onwards, the proofs are frosted, the rest not. The detail is sharper too. Proof or not is not an issue. Currency or an example from a BU uncirculated set on occasion can be [an issue].
Thanks everyone. Very helpful...I may get back to you...Ray
A world without coins "Chaos"
So I have 3 pennies from 1987. The face on one is frosted (obverse no frosting). The second has the brilliance of the proof but no frosting, the third is not quite as brilliant (UNC 60) non reflective. So I looked up KM#935 and the other penny numbers on NGC and they do not list BU coins. Numista does. They even give mintages. My question is on NGC they list an evaluation under 63. are they referring to BU coins? Is that what "BU coins" are rated?
A world without coins "Chaos"
Pictures please
Well, just Love coins, period.
Sorry my photography is not that good. Difficult to show difference between shiny and mirror-like- proof like ... Have to take my word fior it
A world without coins "Chaos"
I have 1980 and 1981 frosted penny. So you can see my confusion robp2
A world without coins "Chaos"
In the absence of any images it's impossible to give an opinion and even then a photo can tell lies. The best thing you could do is get yourself a 1971-82 proof set without any toning; a 1983 or later uncirculated set, again without any toning; a 1983 or later proof set without toning. Then you would have a reference point for all three options other than the regular currency. They wouldn't break the bank.
BU is a term some people use for uncirculated coins without any toning. Personally I don't like it as it used at will - and on ebay for anything in any condition!