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Nintendo 64 for trade!!!

I have a Nintendo 64 that I would like to trade for cards . The 64 comes with:

console itself
2 contollers
memory card
Donkey Kong 64
expansion pack
all hookups.

whoever gives me the best deal can have it.

im looking for Griffey commons, inserts, and GU and other GU of baseball players
Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!


  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    anyone? i'll take griffey inserts for it??????
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    heyyyyyyy...$10 bucks and like 10 griffey inserts.
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    2 offers so far....keep em comming!
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • How about any 15 of the following cards:

    Basketball RC's

    01-02 UD Kwame Brown
    01-02 UD Jason Collins

    01-02 Stadium Club Tyson Chandler
    01-02 Stadium Club Terence Morris

    01-02 UD MVP Kwame Brown
    01-02 UD MVP Eddy Curry
    01-02 UD MVP Michael Wright
    01-02 UD MVP Eddie Griffin

    01-02 Pros and Prospects Star Futures
    Eddy Curry
    Tyson Chandler
    Eddie Griffin
    Kwame Brown
    Desagana Diop
    Troy Murphy

    01-02 Topps Joe Johnson RC

    01-02 Sage HIT Rarified 917/999 Shane Battier RC

    01-02 Fleer Ultra Shane Battier

    Baseball RC's

    1989 Topps Randy Johnson RC
    1991 Score Chipper Jones RC
    1992 Stadium Club, Draft Pick of the 90's Chipper Jones
    2002 Stadium Club Marlyn Tisdale RC , 2146/2999

    Football RC's

    01 Fleer Focus
    #'d to 1850
    Kevin Kasper
    Correll Buckhalter
    Ken-Yon Rambo

    Fleer Ultra AJ Feeley
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    only collect baseball....dont need those baseball
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    ski...would you take the 64 for your griffey Jersey?....the one we talked about before...Not the auto one but the regular jersey card?..lmk
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • awaltzawaltz Posts: 726
    Answer my PM's please!!
    Austin Waltz - ACK ACK ©
    I'm back - you better believe it
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    yes awaltz....your card is out in the mail.....didnt mean to ignore you...sorry
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • Do you have any games for trade?
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    just the game listed above...
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • Are you looking to trade the game and expansion pack separately from the system?
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
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