So play into October, then maybe 6 weeks off before training camp starts. That's mid November at the earliest. A month of camp followed by pre season. Since next year would be a shortened season, it would appear as though the teams that don't go as far in playoffs will be at an advantage by having much more time to recover.
I know the feeling when your team sucks and won't be in the playoffs. Warriors, right?
Same for me with LA Kings.
I enjoy watching the Warriors, even when the team is terrible. It is not "my team" however.
"My team" is the Broncos.
Corona is not a thing anymore , if rioters don't have to social distance , fans shouldn't have to either!
Start up all the sports tomorrow
Forgot to add , I hate this wojohowitz guy ,
does anyone really want to see basketball finals played in September???????
Anything to finally kill the MLB
So play into October, then maybe 6 weeks off before training camp starts. That's mid November at the earliest. A month of camp followed by pre season. Since next year would be a shortened season, it would appear as though the teams that don't go as far in playoffs will be at an advantage by having much more time to recover.
MLB is losing ground. Nascar,Golf, and now The NBA are gearing up. NHL may follow soon? NFL in Sept. They could get lost in the sport shuffle.