Would this 634 be considered an ERROR?

in Stamps Forum
This is just one of many stamps that I've found after my mom passed. I know that this stamp is cancelled but is it considered an ERROR because of the offset? I'm very new to this.
I am not an expert on stamps but from what I understand that is just very poorly centered.
If some of the design from the next stamp to the left was showing then that might be another story.
Just a thought... from a pressman.
Can you measure the stamp and base it on the normal size.
If not consistant to the standard, than you might have somthing.
Just a thought.
Badly centered stamps were very common during the era when those were in use. In stamp collecting poor centering greatly reduces the value of a stamp. A heavy cancellation, such as the one on that stamp, will also greatly reduce the value.
What are you trying to say?
What @291fifth said.
Whatever it is the big, black, smudge postmark is rather distracting.