
After 50 years as a Swap Meet/Flea Market dealer, owning 2 coin shops and show dealer, it is time to "lighten the load" and let somebody else own these coins. If you see something in the trays or on the list that you like, send me a PM, I'll send pictures and we can make a deal. Scroll down and look in the other comments.
Spring National Battlefield Coin Show is April 3-5, 2025 at the Eisenhower Hotel Ballroom, Gettysburg, PA.
For the 1864 Two Cent piece, you state above it might have been dipped at one time. How does one tell if a coin has been dipped or not? If you're able to put up pictures it would help.
Take a chance on the coins with pictures, as I take them with a cellphone and the colors are not vivid. If you do not like them I will refund your return postage.
PM sent on morgans (1881 & 1884).