Stunning Monster Toned 1964D Washington Quarter NGC MS67 Being Sold On Great Collections
Orginally a PCGS 67 it was then moved to an NGC 67* holder, resubbed trying for a 67+, didn't make it and lost the star. This is a truly amazing coin that their photos don't do justice. Here is the trueview.
It's a nice coin, Rob. A few years back Ian allowed PCGS True Views to be used in the listings but then he stopped because he said he had too many returns so he stuck with the bad eBay scans of sorts. For some coins they do put together a 3rd image of an image that is closer to a TV so you might want to ask him about putting a better photo up otherwise money is getting left on the table which doesn't help him or you, the consignor. You will likely need to bump this thread every 24 hours, put a link in your forum signature to this thread that says MONSTER RAINBOW WASHIE FOR SALE AT GREAT COLLECTIONS and then be active as possible on the forums for the next 12 days, posting in a lot of threads so people see it...then you can also go post this info in the REGISTRY forum...there is a Washington Quarter thread there and it would be appropriate for you to post the image and information there as well. Best of luck!
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
Haven't purchased a coin for my personal collection in quite some time. Might have to bid on this. Beautiful coin.
Saturday, ends tomorrow!
That seems a questionable cross choice — and then NGC went and just pulled off the scab! — but that’s really just Monday morning quarterbacking at this point. Sweet piece! Good luck with it.