How does PCGS differentiate 1967 Canadian Proof and Proof Like coins?

I purchased a 1967 Canadian Set last year and the $20 came back Proof 67 Cameo and all of the other coins in the set were graded Proof Like. Two of the Proof Like coins were called Cameo and the Dollar was graded Deep Cameo. Thought Cameo and Deep Cameo were only for Proof coins. Thanks for any help.
Best Answer
syl Posts: 960 ✭✭✭
They sometimes use "proof" dies for prooflike, after they had already been used for striking proofs. Except for the $20 coin, all the others for 1867 were struck proof-like", regardless any cameo designation. At least that's the way that I understand the RCM and TPG's confusion.
That makes sense. Thank you.