Who's in charge ?

I know/assume that the FBI or Secret Service would be in charge of prosecuting manufacturers of Fake Silver and Gold eagles since they are technically US currency. But what about Silver and or Gold bars and rounds that are marked .999 fine and are really just fakes. Who's purview would that stuff come under ?
Just curious
Past transactions with:
Lordmarcovan, WTCG, YogiBerraFan, Phoenin21, LindeDad, Coll3ctor, blue594, robkoll, Mike Dixon, BloodMan, Flakthat and others.
Lordmarcovan, WTCG, YogiBerraFan, Phoenin21, LindeDad, Coll3ctor, blue594, robkoll, Mike Dixon, BloodMan, Flakthat and others.
postal inspector mail fraud (maybe?)
and you can include items falsely marked as sterling and "coin silver"
"Who's in charge" -- good luck trying to get action from fbi/cbp
Fraud and mail fraud: FBI
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.