Which Mick?
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Left (SGC) or Right (PSA)?
For a mixed set, raw and graded in the 6-7 range. Thanks
Which Mick?
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
To me right looks to have paper loss on the top.
can deal w the centering and the chipping on the border of either card, but that top left hand corner of the right one feels like a 6/7 grade was a gift.
Thanks for the input guys. Seems to be a landslide.
Is there a crease or wrinkle below his ear on the left card?
They're not that far off but really but I'd go left if its not a wrinkle.
I like the one on the left better.
Left looks trimmed to me.
I voted for the left one but you may be on to something the card looks small in the holder.
Left, for sure. The LEFT does not look trimmed to me; there's too many white spots around the periphery to substantiate the all too common rain on my parade claim that it's trimmed. Besides, with the aide of a nice ruler, that will decide the issue. Cheers, mate. --- Indiana Jones (Brian Powell)