Bullion world coin for sale 1 kilo silver
$765 delivered
I manage money. I earn money. I save money .
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Hello. I l know you've been around a long time. It is standard practice here on the BST to combine all your for sale posts into a single topic so it's fair to everyone. Thanks, good luck with yours!
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
.....and why is a world BULLION item listed in the U.S. Coin B/S/T???
Cause it’s being sold as bullion
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Better in the precious metals BST or the world coin BST as its not a US coin.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!