Variety registry sets

Hello all,
I'm curious if any other variety enthusiasts would like to see "variety only" registry sets? Personally I think it'd be really fun to be able to compete without having to purchase five or six or seven figures worth of standard issue coins. I think it would also be beneficial to PCGS. I alone on this? )
Sounds interesting. Have you presented this to PCGS?
Last time I looked, I dont think they were actively taking suggestions for new US sets.
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You never know until you try.
Yes, I've communicated with Mr. Talk at PCGS and he is receptive to the idea. PCGS is currently working on world coin sets but Mr. Talk told me he would address this when they get back to US sets.
I hope to gain some support for Variety Registry sets. My thought is "Cherrypicker's Variety Sets". I think such sets would be fun, wouldn't detract from any existing sets, would be good for PCGS and far above all else (whether you're a variety fan or not) would be a great way to respectfully honor Mr. Fivas, Mr. Stanton and all the individuals that dedicated their hearts, souls, time and effort into this sector of numismatics.
Any input/support is greatly encouraged.
@EScott83 I like this idea but since David Talk is no longer with PCGS, have you presented it to anyone else at PCGS and what was their response? I would love to see this for the Mercury Dime series.
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.