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Coinage of the Vikram Samvat Dating System

The Vikram Samvat calendar is used mostly in Nepal and some Indian states. The Vikram Samvat system is a lunar system following the cycles of the Moon, breaking down a year into 12 months with each month having 30 lunar days with length ranging from 20 to 27 hours and adding an additional month every three years to adjust for mismatch and to keep their crop cycles and festivals on consistent time.

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  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,464 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That is quite fascinating.

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • Timbuk3Timbuk3 Posts: 11,658 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Interesting, thanks for sharing !!! :)

  • ZwiggyZwiggy Posts: 42 ✭✭✭

    It might not be well known, but the VS system is still used in India in most of the country. The VS new year (March/April) is celebrated actively.
    The calander is interesting since it has a “leap month” every three years as mentioned that keeps it on the same track as the Gregorian calendar (37 moons make 3 years). The Islamic system is also lunar but does not have a leap month, so the Islamic festivals drift across the year - so Ramadan Eid is in May this year and 20 years later it will be in December.
    The VS and the Gregorian days overlap every 19 years generally.

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