FS: 1905 $2.5 Choice unc.

Looks like it’s sold this time.
Still available. Can’t guarantee this will MS64. I call it MS63 looks gem but what do I know that’s why you can return.
This is new to collectors. Family had it stored in board seen in photo in an old envelope. Looks gem but picked up a few hairlines over the years. A lot of six of these raw sold at Greatcollections last night nearly $3k. The best looked like this coin, they were not all this nice. $400 plus $7.50 priority shipping. 3 day return minus postage as long as coin is not removed from my holder.
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I'd buy this for your price if still available. Please let me know
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References: USMarine6,Commoncents05,Timbuk3, lunytune2,Goldcoin98, and many more
It’s yours. I just took this picture of a PCGS MS63 regardless of technical grade mine is 10 times better looking

Aww, missed it again !!!
Is this gone? Or could it be...