Future of local card shows

There is a post regarding the National show and moving to December. This got me thinking - what does the future of local card shows look like? I live in Fargo ND and there are a few local ones in the area throughout the year. Will they still occur? How will they look? It's not like you can clean cards after everyone touches them and I think flipping through cards with gloves would be next to impossible. Or maybe just too early to tell
People have to go back to normal life at some point. It may be 2021 in some places and for some things but you cannot live your life in fear. It cripples you.
When Michigan Detroit metro area was a large hub for card shows till about 1990.There was at least 1 quality show every other weekend with a variety of nice product both vintage and new.
Now if you find a show it’s Ike going to a flea market and rarely finding anything significant.
My hometown has an annual show with good turnout.
I'm guessing next season with limited capacity in the building
Are the Taylortown or Troy shows any good? I used to go to the Gibraltar Shows in Taylor and Mt Clemens. It is a good 3 hr drive and an international border so I would want to incorporate something else like a Tigers game too.
Taylor Town I believe is the old Gibraltar that was on Eureka Rd.I have not been there in several years however it was the last of the good Metro Detroit shows. In my opinion better than Gibraltar East which was 10 minutes away from me. Troy I am not sure about as I have not been there however it’s a VFW Hall.If I knew who runs that show I could tell you.