
3 - 100 ounce silver extruded engelhard
1 - 100 ounce silver johnson matthey
$1850 each net to me shipping included
taken off sale
WTB 1999 BU Platinum 1 oz and 1/10th oz
building a 1999 BU 4 coin platinum set.
I don't want to pay up for any ms70's
69's are ok, but pcgs are worth just over ungraded coins.
ungraded is ok.
what I need ::
1. 1 ounce
2. 1/2 ounce Bought!
3. 1/4 ounce Bought!
4. 1/10 ounce
(PS I know better than to expect to pay melt)
Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
it's 60 cents worth of a better price today.
buy 2 and you won't have to pay a separate processing fee.
hours of fun for the entire family
better than watching reruns
one low, low price
grate it into your food like a block of cheese
This place going sleepy? 2 days and I'm still on page 1
PM sent
Successful BST transactions (as a buyer) with @ArchStanton, @JGnumismatics, @r00kies101, @derryb, @76collector, @Pachucko, @brendanlam, @Coll3ctor. I am looking for fractional gold Krugerrands, by year: 0.5oz: 2014, 2020, 2023 | 0.25oz: 1992, 1994, 2002, 2020, 2023 | 0.10oz: 1990, 1992, 1994, 2010, 2020-2021