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Three Beautiful Buffalos, For Sale: Silicon Valley Coins

coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,317 ✭✭✭✭✭

1913 Type 1 PCGS PR66+ CAC

Gorgeous toner with lovely bright pink and purple colors. I think this coin will eventually 67. Sure to please.

1915 PCGS PR67 CAC

Lovely complement to the 1913 and a great candidate for the second of four coins needed for a high end buffalo type set.
This specimen has lovely purple and blue tonight with immaculate surfaces and nice brightness.

1936 Satin PCGS PR67 CAC OGH

I almost cracked this out of the holder when I bought it but decided to send to CAC instead. Was hoping for a gold, but got a green. Beautiful coin with light icy blue highlights. Perfect for type.

Buy all 3 and you only need one more to finish the set!

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