A couple more for the Mom/Baby collection...and thanks to those who pointed me to the CNG auction

Not too much buying going on lately, but thanks to several people who pointed out the motherhood themed medals I have a couple more on their way here. In the mean time, @numismagram has been nice enough to throw a couple my way. And my eBay dollars were put to use to get another.
From eBay and Estonia (which took less than a week from shipping via UPS)-- IIRC the title was 'hard and soft'. Reminded me of some of that 70s art. It's huge-->110mm diameter so had to use my cell phone on this one.
And, from Numismagram, this one was irresistible. I have another one from him to get photos of, but this one is an excellent addition. Highly recommend his website btw.
@MrBreeze and @Zohar and at least one other person who I just can't remember right now, thanks again for the CNG heads up. I found something, but also realized I had quite a bit of the material listed! I'll post those when they get here.
Pretty cool how a plain and simple design jumps out at you.
Very cool newps. Congrats!
(I know nothing about them, but they nice neverthless.)
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
I think that is some of the appeal of medals. You don't have to know much about them, only if you like them
Nice !!!