Thoughts on this Griffey Jr rookie i purchased? Grade bump?
Posts: 330 ✭✭✭
I just purchased this. I am fine with it being an 8. But just curious, do you think it could get a grade bump? (I use SGC) to maybe an 8.5 or 9? I don't have the card in hand yet. Also, if I do sub it for a crossover, should I crack it? Or just put a minimum grade? Looks pretty nice to me.
Centering is off tb and lr. I personally wouldn’t spend any money getting it in a different slab. Would look good an a CS1 IMO
Has to have a surface issue with a sub grade of 7.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. I'm happy with it as is, just wanted to get some thoughts. I'll inspect it close once i get it in. I know it's not a 10. But wondered about an 8.5-9.
Card Saver 1
That's what I thought. Just confused as to why I'd crack it out to put it in a card saver.
Looks good as is.