Does anyone know how to get ahold of eBay now,,,,,,,,

I sold a coin,,,,,,, USPS says delivered. My understandingis once delivered I have fullfilled my part. Buyer says not received and filed a dispute. I have been trying to get ahold of eBay for 5 days now but they aren't answeringte phones due to the virus. I can't believe that eBay can't figure out a way for their people to answer the phones from home. Any way if I don't resolve this issue in one more day eBay will automatically refund the buyer. I have tried messaging eBay but no answer. The dispuet link will only let me message the buyer which I have but no link to eBay. Every link I try leads me nowhere and I can't find a way to message them. I did message them one time several days ago but no responce from them.... eBay continues to go down hill rapidly.
If anyone can help me get in contact with eBay I would appreciate it.

Is there an option to message the buyer and copy EBay on the message?
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Try PayPal instead.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Paypal covers you if it is delivered.
Call PayPal.
Open a claim trough eBay. No phone call required.
I don’t think the buyer is pulling a fast one, it says delivered to agent. He has contacted his post office but they are of course no help. The scanner says the agent location was the Post Office and the delivery location, I don’t know why the Post Office can’t figure out who screwed up, I want to talk or message eBay as I think they should make the buyer whole under seller protection, eBay policy says if delivered I have fulfilled my obligation. The Post Office screwed up not me or the buyer.
2 weeks ago I had a home pickup scheduled for 5 packages. When I checked a few days later only 4 were scanned in, I have a video of my mailman picking up the bag all 5 were in. Of course I can’t prove 5 packages in bag not 4. I call my Post Office and all they say is “we didn’t get it” I refunded the buyer out of pocket,
The Post Office has really went to pot the last few years, I have posted before about all the stupid stuff they do but nobody is ever held accountable, fire a few of them and before too long they would get the message.
I am not referring to all Postal employees, most are very good people but the incompetent ones need decipline and never seem to get it.
I will try the suggestions above and thanks for the help.
Just so I understand, it says the delivery location was the post office itself?
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
The Post Office will be a thing of the past by Labor Day. Find alternatives now.
I wouldn't rely on the usps tracking. I just had an item delivered yesterday that showed it was still in route and arriving late. I've had a package get lost between 2 post offices right here in our city. If the package was delivered to an actual address, then you can prove delivery. If delivered to the post office and went no further, that is a whole nother issue!
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Dm me Maybe I can be if service
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
they have temporarily removed phone contact numbers.
email ebay from this link
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
try this 1-800-547-769277
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I have to ask after seeing this many times in your posts...Are you asking for a PM? If not what is a DM?
DM == Direct Message
Same thing as a PM.
Ah! Trying to be different? With all this internet's hard to keep up!
Yes it says delivered to agent. The buyer checked with his Post Office
and they told him scanned last at Post Office, not blaming the buyer at all but can’t understand why Post Office makes NO effort to hold their employees accountable. If they get it out without being caught,,,,,, Oh well,
The buyer did find out that a sub delivered his mail the day in question and probably hit the wrong button, but again WHY can’t the PO find out what happened, that is their job,,,,,
Too many numbers,,, which one goes! As said above eBay isn’t taking calls and seems not to be answering any messages.
Thanks, I will DM you after I get home shortly.
Does it really matter????? We are all going to die from cabin fever,,,,, not a virus
I have tried that link gets you know where. Every link you click goes to a self help page which takes you to another self help page and says to click here but no help.
I even tried this link to report a buyer even though I have no complaint with him but thought eBay might reply which
If I click on the Take action kink all I get is this a way to message buyer.
This is my next step and am doing so right now.
Sure it is only $49.50 but that is not the point. The Post Office has messed up so much stuff for me the last couple of years it doesn't take much anymore to set me off on them.
call paypal, they handle the money, 1-888-221-1161
Your other option is to buy more time by transferring all but $1 out of the associated bank account. They can't take money that ain't there and will likely then contact you about the refund.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@crazyhounddog said:
Open a claim trough eBay. No phone call required.
No way I can find to file anything with eBay. There use to be links for the seller and buyer to give their side of the story,,,,,, not any more.
Well I finally spoke to someone at PayPal after having to say it was not an eBay transaction because they transferred me to eBay for the same recording,,,,,,, not taking calls. The PayPal lady was helpful and said the buyer needs to file a dispute thru PayPal but only after the eBay case closes out, so I just messaged the buyer and explained to him and I am confident he will work with me. As I said before I can not believe that eBay can't set their people up to answer phone calls and work form home like half of America is doing right now. I
Thanks for the help and advice,,,,,, I am waiting to see what happened.
No-one can answer your phone call, address your problem if they all have been sent home due to the virus. Why none of them are working from home.......incoming calls can't be recorded for quality and legal service, I'm guessing. The question whether one should be conducting transactions during this time is beyond banks won't even allow me into their lobbys. If its for only $50.....might have to let things out later. Might not be bad idea to withdraw your monies but you don't want to start a stampede. lol
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
Moral of this story is don't have shipments that will require a signature sent to a PO Box. My carrier brings them right to my door for a signature.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I can take all the cash I desire out of my bank account while sitting in my car. Drive-thru's remain open.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I have no intention of stiffing the buyer, not his fault and not my fault, I will do as the PayPal lady suggested and let eBay take the money and give back to buyer and the see what PayPal can do, I just have so many problems with USPS these days and it is frustrating. PayPal was good advice, I had not thought of doing that,
I just went ahead and refunded the buyer his money so I can get the claim going with PayPal.
I have been using the email option in ebay, and it works fine.
No, ebay can view all messages at its discretion.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Then you have a good carrier, you are lucky, I on the other hand have a carrier who should be a greeter at Walmart, nothing wrong with that,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe my carrier could handle that job,
For items that require a signature I would have to disagree. I do so because signature items do not get put in the secure PO box. Instead, a paper slip gets put into the box telling you that somewhere in that branch lies your high dollar item. It may be in a secure location, it may not and it might even be in the process of getting lost.
Signature items do not go into the insecure home mailbox. They go to the front door for face-to-face delivery. What could be more secure? I do get the same dreaded slip in my mailbox if I'm not home when the mailman rings the doorbell for my signature. I work from home and track my shipments. Being home for delivery is no problem.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I have said all I have to say on this,,,, thanks for the input and allowing me to vent a little bit.
I had same situation a few days back. I continually resent the email with an all caps expletive laden preface for them to actually read the original email and thoughtfully respond as opposed to the canned replies I got. Third try did the trick. Ended in my favor too despite my rants.
Anyone notice how 1940couple posts a LOL to everything I post since I called him out on sending me a message to read between the lines because I posted a LOL on his post complaining about Dan making more 1964-D Peace Dollars? I thought his concern was unfounded so that was the basis of my LOL. Anyway post all the LOL's you want as it just increases my posting numbers and LOL aren't meant to be a bad thing, That was what the disagree button was for and PCGS removed it due to many fights over it. I hope it makes him feel better.
make sure you file report with USPS inspector for mail theft, every time it happens
I have a PO Box and only once in a blue moon do they deliver without a signature.
Perhaps what you are going through has something to do with this announcement from ebay:
Just picked up some registered the other day and turns out that big reinforced wall is because our post office has this bigass legit vault.
Had some gold delivered to our leasing office which won't be open until September. Never having it sent anywhere else but the PO boxes ever again.
There's a reason Ebay is a four-letter word.
I lost money and you gave me a LOL so you turned me in I was in lock down I would love to meat you face to face we could have a good time you and your cartoon face why not a coin
So now you are threatening me,,,,, I turned you in because you basically told me to go blank myself.
I did not know that I needed your approval on my avatar.
you can have what every stupid avatar you want
Could we all observe a moment of silence? Punctuation has passed away.
So I sold a roll of bison nickels. The USPS was four days later than when Ebay promised the customer (how dare they). I did my part. Shipped same day. Tracking shows it left town on the day item was purchased.
The buyer is freaking out, so I gave him his $7 back. He turns around and leaves me a negative feedback. Ebay claims it's okay. Even though the guy got his item the very next day and a full refund, eBay would not remove negative feedback. I had to plea with buyer to cut me some slack. He blamed me still, but recanted.
I sent him another roll after he tried to reimburse me by making another purchase. He changed the negative to a positive and then gave a second stellar positive. Am still out the first transaction.
In the end, ebay is blowing up in it's own face. And they're the reason I'm not a shareholder.
The postal service like the brothel the government took over in Vegas, is broke. Bad move G-boys.
They both ( Ebay and USPS customer reps) treat me as if I owe them and I'm doing all the work... and yet, my obligation is to MY customer.
Ebay and the postal service ought to serve as well. They make a lot more than most of us working stiffs.
Here's a recent story that happened to my buddy- He was expecting a package with tracking that ended at his local post office and after a couple of days still hadn't been delivered. Already having enough of their antics from previous dealings, he went there, politely explained the package was tracked there, and asked for it. The clerk, naturally with attitude, went in the back, came out and said it's not there. He asked the clerk to please check again and the clerk said, "I already told you it's not here."
My friend loudly told him to take care of the next person (long line) while he calls the police. The clerk asked why he's calling the police and he said because you told me the package that was tracked to here is not here, so someone stole it and I'm going to have them come here and take a theft report.
The clerk says he'll check once more, walked in the back and quickly came out with the package. My friend gave him some choice words that appeared to be enjoyed by the line of customers. They suck.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Drama aside, the real story here is the shipping/postal service issue. The erosion of confidence and recourse and what options are going forward. The forecast for shipping looks grim to me and that is why I’m not selling or buying anything I don’t absolutely need especially with general public or people I don’t personally know. Just because a business is internet based doesn’t mean it’s without growing risk to operate.
First, it’s not worth the risk or hassle to me to worry about a deal, big or small, in this stressful time and two, the system can do without the traffic of non essential items choking up and complicating the logistics for dire essentials getting through. This should be a thread all it’s own, like a member shipping report because this information isn’t generally being updated in the news.
UPS turned down 5000 masks, six tyvek suits and 14 boxes of nitrile gloves. I offered again weeks later and they ghosted me... I work there...
USPS, on the other hand, gladly took all the free n95 and surgical I could give them. They even thanked me so I gave them some boxes of reinforced gloves I keep for myself. I loaded up my local post office and business post office. They even thanked me so I keep doing weekly drops of PPE. And they're actually using it!
I'm gonna guess the post office will be the last man standing, provided they can stay funded.. UPS has been making some other decisions that I'm gonna wait a bit for other people to post on the Internet. For all the problems they have woo boy I'd much rather USPS be processing and delivering my gold.
That was super nice of you.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I didn't pay any attention to who posted this message when I first read it. I just read it and thought someone was trying to help but when I noticed who did I put my code breaking skills to work.
Here is the phone number 1940coupe posted and the letters on a telephone key pad they represent,,,,, not hard to decipher the message when you write them down. 1-800-547-769277. the 1-800 means nothing but the rest,,,,
547-769277 contains the message.
5 = JKL
4 = GHI
7 = PQRS
7 = PQRS
6 = MNO
9 = WXYZ
2 = ABC
7 = PQRS
7 = PQRS
Do you all see what I see??????? My he is so cleaver. Hint 5477 = KISS
You can figure out the rest.
Oh and BTW,,,,,, USPS Tracking says that a package was delivered to my house today,,,,,,,,, guess what,,,,,,
it wasn't delivered to MY house,,,,,,, I will be calling the Post Office early tomorrow.
__ I would love to meat you face to face__
___ My he is so cleaver_
"Meat Cleaver"
If you take the two words that were spelled correctly but used wrong , and put them together, they make sense. Secret code?
Wisdom has been chasing you but, you've always been faster
Auto spell check can do things like that
So, coming in from the dark side.
In the last 30 days, my shipments are up 153%. Not as many big items, but, it is clearing inventory, often dead inventory off the shelf. No delivery issues with FedEx or USPS, except 2.
Item 1) So here is the ebay story. A large item ($40 in shipping cost) shipped from Dallas to California. 2 days after shipment, the buyer wants FedEx to hold the item, and not deliver so he can pick up. I message him to contact FedEx. FedEx makes 4 delivery attempts, and leaves instructions to pick up. No response from buyer, and it comes back to me. Tracking info is 7 pages long.
I contact the buyer. What do you want me to do? No answer. Buyer files a non received case, and I respond. No response from buyer. After 7 days, buyer escalates, and immediately given full refund, because no tracking info entered.
Using the email system, I appeal, and copy screen showing tracking entered originally, and when case was filed. Ebay person replies in less than 1 hour that tracking did not show delivery to his address. The reason (save this if I ever need it again) is the truck shows leaving from Carson CA but the address is in another city less than a mile away, shows delivery attempt, door knob hanger, etc. but does not change the city, so the FedEx tracking never shows the actual delivery city.
I call FedEx and get the exact times, door tag serial numbers, etc. and resubmit via email. Declined by ebay.
I write another appeal, requesting a manager, as I have been selling on ebay for over 20 years, and have a 100 positive rating, etc. and get a response, that it is not being changed, and if I want to file again, please provide more information.
I ponder the universe for a couple days, and suddenly, I get an email from ebay, that they refunded not just the shipping but the entire price of the item itself. They had overturned the original decision and removed the ding on my record (no feedback yet but it would be removed if needed) etc.
So, full refund, and I have the item back. I contacted ebay, and they said just keep it.
I actually like the on line email as it is easier to write the issue up, than explain it, plus I have a record of everything that happens.
Item 2) Item shipped FedEx arrived damaged, not repairable. I filed on line with FedEx, first time in probababy 3 years had an issue. 3 days later, email from FedEx, We are sorry, we are sending a check. Check arrived 2 days later.
No issues on stuff being delivered either.
This happens a lot with this store=(...