Question on 1730 8 Reales Gold coin

One of my customers texted me a pic of an 8 reales gold coin, but cant seem to find it. It has potasi mint, which should be Bolivia,
but I cant find an 8 reales in gold , only silver in that time frame. Only escudo's which this isn't .
Anybody know what it is? sorry for the crude pics, this is all I have he hasn't brought it in, just sent pics over. It kind of looked a bit grainy , thinking it might be a cast? But he did say it was very heavy
@jdimmick it would be an 8 Escudos if it were gold, not Reales. But Potosi minted no gold cobs (since it’s a silver mine), so I’m thinking it’s fake or plated. Can’t really tell due to the photo.
I was actually thinking the same thing about it being a fake?
Looks very fake.
8 Reales Madness Collection
A ubiquitous tourist shop replica (of a 1736 Lima 8 Escudos) that's been produced for about 50 years!!
I have absolutely no knowledge of this issue but the "coin" in question screams cast fake for tourists.
Most reproductions have unreadable lettering. The only way to tell for sure is to see it in had and weigh it. Gold has a certain feel about it.
The coin is a pot metal counterfeit.
I have not seen it in hand, but I was thinking it didn't look right, I told him to bring it in tomorrow for an in hand view.
I can also see if its gold?? which I doubt. Thanks for the help
He just brought it in, clearly a fake. He told me on the phone it was heavy, it wasn't, a pure cast!!
The pillar and waves side clearly show REX ANNO 173?. I can't read the cross side but rarely do people go to the trouble of these details when just creating a fantasy piece. This was probably taken from a real coin. then cast.