Ted Butler alleges false flag from JPM.
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He didn't do the math though. If they're false flagging gold and silver then they're finally ready to wag the dog with futures.
Tempus fugit.
JPM most likely "loaned" gold to the CRIMEX warehouse at the request of CME. JPM for years has been positioning itself to make huge profits from a PM price explosion, a price that JPM is responsible for setting. JPM has a massive position in physical silver, probably the largest in the world.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
JPM manipulated the price of silver to almost $50 back in 2011. Those criminals! lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Well, JPM manipulated a free >$250k into my families pockets off a late sailor's 1940s-80s silver collection (and whatever else he could scrape together at the factory before they worked him to death).
I was a child laborer - kept the silver from my paper route and always bought and gifted silver - and saw my lifelong investments explode, and I had been hoarding not even taking it seriously in any sense, just having fun.
That reverberated through the lives of over a dozen people and their families while everyone else was busy losing their homes and vehicles.
Tbh, they can manipulate whatever they want, I've never lost anything substantial and have always gained. I have been poor and made money and have had money and lost money. I can 100% say it's NEVER been a BAD decision.
"The only logical and unifying explanation for the steep gold discounts when premiums should be the order of the day and the sudden surge in physical gold deposits into the COMEX warehouses is to send false signals about there being growing demands for physical gold (and silver) to discourage as much as possible even greater delivery demands. By creating phony steep discounts (controlled by JPMorgan) and bringing in gold (JPM brought in the most), false signals are being deliberately transmitted to the market that everything is fine. By the way, this is the same methodology used to prevent bank runs, namely, by shoveling out money to panicky depositors to discourage others from following. I knew all along the steep discounts and sudden growth in COMEX gold deposits were arrange by JPMorgan, but didn’t know why until now."
Nothing to see here folks...Move along
My Saint Set
I know we would all like to believe this, but no one has ever shown silver on JPMs balance sheet. This "story" has only been run by PM newsletters and peddlers.
Can anyone prove definitive evidence that JPM actually has all this silver on its balance sheet?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
The JPM silver we do know about is in the CRIMEX warehouse:. Then there's all the silver they have hidden in balance sheets as "investments."
Note that just the CRIMEX stockpile is less than 10 years old. JPM has been very, very busy.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
And they tried to convince us silver was "rare".
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
but it is precious
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
It does appear in current times a roll of toilet paper is much more rare than a roll of silver eagles, not to mention much more useful.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Like i said, only place you hear about this is from some PM newsletter.
Maybe we should start some conspiracy theory saying that JPM really stands for John Precious Metals.
That would make more sense.
Or maybe lets debate the word "custodian" since you dont seem to know what that means either.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
All these years of being wrong and you're suddenly right? LOL
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Talking to yourself? You take projectionism to a new level.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
That chart looks like a decade of dead money to me. JPM would not be dumb enough to hold that much silver. Looks like fake newz.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Chart shows JPM has built a hoard from zero ounces to almost 120 million ounces in under seven years. If you control the price it will sell for, you are sitting on a gold silver mine.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
If only it was theirs, and not just being held for others. Oh well, why ruin a good conspiracy?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Ted Butler has been talking about the same stuff forever.