Selling some cheep and affordable U.S. coins 1802 larg cent, Columbus silver half. New coins soon

Selling some u.s. coins for the first time 👍
If you have any questions please PM me
I take PayPal
I ship via U.S.P.S.
If you are able to can you Add $5 for shipping
Shipping cost included ($40+$5)
Will take offers
1802 large cent AG condition
Columbus half dollar
PM sent
Collect raw morgans, walkers, mercs, SLQ, barber q. Looking at getting into earlier date coins pre 1900s.
Adding new coins for sail !!!
Don’t hesitate to bargain, I will not be offended 😊
I am willing to take offers on the large cent.
Cheap. Wheat
Sell coins together as well. Just ask 👍
In the process of selling the 1909 v.d.b and 20 wheat penny’s
The Lincoln penny’s are sold